About Us

Hi, my names Janan and I’m the Mumma behind Faithful Oils.

I’m 27 years of age and have a passion for using essential oils in my everyday life. I began using essential oils in 2017 when my eldest daughter was born and have never looked back.

The passion for oils began in our home and was being used for just my family and myself. It was then introduced to extended family and friends where they loved the products so much, they encouraged me to extend to the wider community.

And so, we did!

Being able to help families, mums, children and everyone from the community with natural ways to help relieve all sorts of conditions or to just simply provide a self-care products is so very rewarding. My 2 daughters are the reason I looked into natural alternatives to use in their everyday life and ensure I was using non-toxic products on them whenever I could. They are biggest motivation in life! We hope Faithful Oils can help you as much as it has helped us x

Much Love, Janan.